BeyondX is where experts from various fields come together to share and discuss their insights and knowledge on the latest technological developments.
Stay tuned as BeyondX will return in a new format in 2024.
Technology is rapidly changing the world that we live in and if we do not embrace these changes and quickly adapt, we would definitely be left behind. No industry is spared from the technology shift, and it has impacted the way we live, work, play, study, and communicate amongst others.
In these digital driven times, there needs to be collaborative efforts to ensure progress and growth is across the board – and this is the catalyst behind BeyondX.
Immanuel Koh
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Sagar Thorat
Wanyu He
Altaf Ganihar
Justin Yeoh
William Lee
Gabriel Yee
Visahl Samson David Selvam
Peter Storey
Elijah Yang
Vincent Lau
Alvin Ng
Provides Ng
Kean Walmsley
Domenic Cerantonio
It is now more apparent than ever that the adoption of technology and digitalisation is inevitable. How and when you take that first step towards this future is what will determine if you and your organisation become an industry leader or a late adopter of technology.